Emily's Story

Emily's Story

Momo, a black cat with yellow eyes, looks inquisitively while her head is resting on the window sill

Emily is a twenty-two year old university student, writer, and cat lover who has used our services for four years. When Emily was seeking medical treatment for gender dysphoria at 17, their medical professional recommended they come to us. A year later, Emily came to get a binder through the gender gear service we offer and has been using our services since.

Previous to entering our community, Emily describes that they grappled with their gender, “I identified in a very binary way in my trans-ness”. Since they did not know of the use of “they/them pronouns” or had never “met another trans person before,” Robin’s understanding of their own gender was restricted by the inaccurate teachings of the medical field. Despite medical professionals having gender nonconforming clients, many are still not properly trained to fully support and serve these populations.

This is why Emily says that “knowledge” was the most valuable support that our organization has given them these last few years. Emily has described Project 10 as “a place with unconditional acceptance”. From spending time in our space, Emily learned new things about themself, “I learned that I didn’t have to be so binary because that didn’t really fit how I was and now I identify in a really genderqueer way”. Emily also recounted that the staff and one on one services have been particularly helpful; noting that their “general kindness” was encouraging.

Emily is a passionate pet parent of their adorable cat MoMo. Something that makes Emily feel welcome is the fact that users and staff at our organization always ask about how MoMo is doing. Emily said, on having difficulties connecting with their peers,“Project 10 is basically my only social outlet, so I... wish I found it sooner... people kind of accept my weird quirks... not just trans stuff or queer stuff, just like even neurodiversity type stuff.”

Emily says they met their closest friend because of our community, “I would say that some of the most profound friendships that I have ever made I made there”. Emily has a support system, social life, and caring community that would not be the same without the space and services we offer.